Friday, February 14, 2025

White Gold from Salt Ground (a Steve Orr Bible reflection)

Paradise was on full display for our island tour. A scenic road, dotted with wild donkeys and wild horses, circled the tiny island. Single-story houses boasted large yards with low walls to keep the donkeys out of the flower beds. Tall, stately palms capped with wide, green leaves framed stunning ocean views on all sides. There were windmills and a beautiful lighthouse. 

It was on this tour of Grand Turk that we first learned about White Gold. Beginning in the 1660s, the economic mainstay of the Turks and Caicos Islands, particularly Grand Turk and Salt Cay, was the production of what came to be called “White Gold.”

Or, as we say it: salt. 

During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Turks and Caicos were the greatest producers of salt in the Americas—salt created by sun and ocean water, and then raked up by humans. Today, little of those original processes remain. Some of the equipment and paraphernalia are in museums. The salt flats are still everywhere along the shore. But industrialization and modernization have changed the salt industry, irrevocably. Oh, you could still produce salt the natural way. But the economies of scale have eliminated it as an economic engine for the Turks and Caicos. 

The salt still appears, but it’s no longer golden. 

What’s left to sun and sea—the remnants of those old processes—are flat, salt-saturated patches, dead land where nothing grows. Only the ones that are replenished daily by ocean water have any plant growth. Otherwise, those island spots just don’t have the nutrients to sustain edible plants. 

Such salt-saturated lands appear in this week’s Jeremiah passage. Reflecting similar language in Psalm 1, Jeremiah urges his readers to place their trust in God. That way, they can be like “a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah contrasts this lovely situation with what befalls those who place their trust in anyone or anything other than God, declaring, “They shall live in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.”

Now that I’ve seen such “salt land” with my own eyes, I can assure you, choosing to be the tree by the water is a much better option—even in an island paradise. 

PHOTO: “Tree by the Water” by Steve Orr

A great little article from Smithsonian Magazine about the rise, and fall, of White Gold:


Friday mornings are a high point! Join us for DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast at 8:00. We still meet on Zoom** and at Our Breakfast Place restaurant. Food, fellowship, scripture, prayer, and some of the funniest stuff you’ve ever heard. It really is an hour like no other.




**Zoom link (Zoom allows you to mute the camera and the microphone if you don’t wish to be seen or heard.)




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Jeremiah 17:5-10
Psalm 1
1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 6:17-26


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bad News at the End? (a Steve Orr Bible reflection)

Would you want the truth told at your funeral: the good, the bad—the ugly? Perhaps, if you could have the chance, you would prefer to do a bit of editing. I know I would. 

Most of us have nothing to fear, though. It’s typically a friend or family member who gives the eulogy, someone who actually knew us. We expect them to share wonderful, sometimes humorous, stories to celebrate our life and accomplishments.

But just imagine someone who tells the whole truth at funerals. That’s what happens in Orson Scott Card’s novel Speaker for the Dead. Andrew (“Ender”) Wiggin is no longer the little boy military genius of Card’s earlier novel, Ender’s Game. He is now an adult, and he travels around as a sort of professional eulogizer. He is hired to investigate the lives of deceased people, to try to fully understand them, and then speak about them. 

He has one challenge, however, that real-world eulogizers don’t face: Speakers for the Dead don’t just praise the deceased. They leave out nothing. Using honest—even blunt—terms, the Speaker for the Dead addresses all parts of a person’s life: the good, the bad, and, yes, the ugly. 

That can be painful. 


If this is beginning to sound a bit like an Old Testament prophet to you, give yourself a gold star. Those folks had to speak the truth—often bluntly—about the people of Israel, their community leaders, and their spiritual leaders. Sometimes there was good, and sometimes there was bad. And sometimes, yes, there was ugly.


This week’s selection from Isaiah holds some harsh truths that God told Isaiah to pass on to the people of Israel. The message? God is about to end them as a nation. God is going to send a conqueror to kill many of them, exile the few survivors to a foreign land, and even make the very soil of their homeland barren. 


No doubt about it, that’s harsh. But in God’s view, the people of Israel earned it because they mistreated those who were in need, denied justice to the powerless, and exploited the lowly. 


Isaiah was a Speaker for the Almost Dead. 


Unlike a modern eulogy, Isaiah was charged with speaking the whole truth to them. It was something they needed to hear. But because he spoke of future events, ahead of the nation’s demise, there was still time for people to repent. 


Praise God, we no longer live under the strictures of the Law of Moses. But even though we believers can depend on God’s assurance that “mercy triumphs over justice,” don’t think for a minute we can mistreat our poor and powerless without negative results. 


Our actions influence what is said about us. Because we understand this, we get some “say” in the words that are spoken. We don’t have to wait for our lives to be over to know what’s in our eulogy. We write it every day. 


Let’s give them something good to talk about.




PHOTO CREDIT: Stroud Creek Cemetery, by Steve Orr


Read the lyrics while listening to Paula Cole sings I Don’t Want to Wait (for our lives to be over). Any Dawson Creek fans out there?:





Join us Friday morning at DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast. We eat, we talk, we laugh. We meet at 8:00 on Zoom** and in person at Our Breakfast Place restaurant. 





**Zoom link (Zoom allows you to mute the camera and the microphone if you don’t wish to be seen or heard.)




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Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13)

Psalm 138

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Luke 5:1-11

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (February 9, 2025)