Saturday, October 22, 2016

The God of Little White Lies (a Lectionary reflection by Steve Orr)

Sometimes I think that's the God most of us worship: the God of little white lies.

By that, I mean a God who can handle all the "little" badness we do: petty theft, the occasional negative comment about someone, near-miss coveting, driving less than 5 MPH over the speed limit, mild self-righteousness, shorting the tithe ("just a little bit, and just this once").

I could go on and on. I'm sure you can come up with a list of "small" sins. Most of us know which ones we think are the "big" ones. And most of us feel quite confident that we're not the folks who are committing those "big" sins.

The truth, though, is that sin is sin. All of us fall short (that's the meaning of the word, "sin"). We can all stand along the pier and argue about who missed the boat "more," but the fact is: we all missed the boat, and none of us can bridge that gap, alone.


There is a variance. No, it's not big or little sins. It's how we respond to the sins in our lives. Some folks live pretty good lives. I know some. You, too, I imagine. I have the suspicion that, even though they know their sins, those sins don't feel so heavy.

But, just as there are folks living pretty good lives, there are folks whose lives are overwhelmed with bad, weighed down by their load of sins.

Oh, you're one of those folks? Well let me share some good news with you. That crushing burden you feel? That sense that you will never get out from under the plaguing sin? God ---the real God--- is not just a God of little white lies. God is big enough, and, as hard as this may be to believe, loving enough, to forgive your transgressions.

"When deeds of iniquity overwhelm us, you forgive our transgressions" (Psalm 65:3 NRSV).


Proper 25 (30) (October 23, 2016)

First reading and Psalm
Joel 2:23-32
Psalm 65
Alternate First reading and Psalm
Sirach 35:12-17 or Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22
Psalm 84:1-7
Second reading
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Luke 18:9-14

Join us Friday morning at Lectionary Breakfast. Well start at 8:00 and spend an hour in God's word, sharing our true selves, and enjoying each other. (Waco "Egg and I" restaurant, Franklin and New Road)


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