Saturday, January 21, 2017

If Yan Can Cook, So Can You! (a Lectionary reflection by Steve Orr)

I didn't watch a lot of TV in the 80's.

The 80's was a busy time for us. I was a junior officer at a large, west Texas "oil bank." My wife, with my enthusiastic encouragement, was exploring a career in aviation. Our young daughter was fascinating, challenging, smart, and "growing like a weed." We needed our family time and did whatever we could to protect the times when us was "just us."

Still, there were a few shows I liked; and one of my favorites ---this will shock people who know me well--- was Yan Can Cook. Martin Yan's Chinese cooking show ran on public television for years, and it went on to be an international sensation.* Watching him was a bit of a revelation for me.

He was having fun!

I had never thought of cooking as anything but hard work. My mother did not cook. My dad did the best he could. My grandmother did not allow anyone to cook in her kitchen. Suffice to say that, in my family, there were never any scenes where, à la The Big Chill, we danced around the kitchen to the strains of Ain't Too Proud To Beg while cleaning up the evening meal.

So, watching Martin Yan grinning into the camera while finely chopping ingredients with a very sharp knife was fascinating (He never looked down! Yikes!). And then there was his now famous catch phrase, "If Yan can cook, so can you!" After watching several of his shows, I began to think ... maybe I could. Here was a cooking expert calling me out, challenging me to follow along and do as he did.

Only one question remained: could I accept his challenge? Or perhaps the real question was: would I accept his challenge?

It's similar to what is happening in this week's Lectionary selection from Matthew: Jesus, who had become quite well known in the region of Galilee for his teaching and healing, walks by a couple of fisher-folk and says (in so many words), "Come with me. I'll teach you how to use your existing skill-sets to do what I'm doing."

Yan's challenge was simple: listen to my words and do as I do; you will succeed at cooking. The challenge Jesus issued was similar: follow me, listen to my words, and do as I do. You, too, can do this.

Could you accept that challenge?

Would you?


Third Sunday after the Epiphany (January 22, 2017)
First reading
Isaiah 9:1-4
Psalm 27:1, 4-9
Second reading
1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Matthew 4:12-23

I hope you can join us at Lectionary Breakfast Friday morning. We're still in the back meeting room at the Waco "Egg and I" restaurant, and usually visible from the front door. But if you don't see us, ask.

That hour from 8:00 to 9:00 is unique to my experience. We're a group of "becomers," all at very different "points" along our respective spiritual journeys. We come together to read scripture, pray, and challenge each other to grow and continue to become.



* You can still find Martin Yan and Yan Can Cook on Facebook and other social media sites, as well as on YouTube. If you like to cook ---or, if you are like I was in the 80's and the very idea of cooking is frightening (or just leaves you cold)--- take a look. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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