Sunday, September 3, 2017

Brick ... by Brick Brick (a Steve Orr Lectionary reflection)

Doubtless you've heard some version of this story. Two men are observed working with bricks: bricklayers ... or "brickies" if they're British. One appears surly while the other seems joyful. Surly says he's laying bricks, while Joyful declares he's building a cathedral.

The story is crafted so we think well of Joyful. Of Surly? Well, not so much. The idea is that we have a choice: we can approach our work like Joyful, see the "bigger picture" of our labors, instead of concentrating on the more mundane aspects of our tasks.

That's good ... as far as it goes.

But what if Surly was just having a bad day? We all get those from time to time. Sometimes the activities we're involved with just don't have that "cathedral" cachet. If we are being clear in our view, we can realize that, when all was said and done, both men built a cathedral.

There is nothing to say that we must always be happy, whistle while we work, or sing out "Hi ho, hi ho; it's off to work we go" every morning. Sometimes, we just aren't in the mood for all that. The real question, at the end of the day, is: did we do our work correctly? If yes, then the cathedral gets built.

In this week's Lectionary passage from Romans we get the other Love Scripture. It is, if you will, the brickies version as opposed to the cathedral version in 1st Corinthians 13. Those latter verses give us the broad strokes about love, while Romans is definitely the day-to-day, nuts and bolts, brick by brick approach to love.

Perhaps you've wondered exactly how love is patient, is kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

It seems pretty daunting when you see it all compact like that.

So, the next time it crosses your mind to wonder about the practice of loving, the how of all those lofty goals in 1st Corinthians 13, turn back to Romans 12:9-21 and read the very practical actions listed there.

Then, just do it ... brick ... by brick ... by brick.

Proper 17 (22) (September 3, 2017)

Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
Jeremiah 15:15-21
Psalm 26:1-8
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28

Don't miss an opportunity to discuss the sermon in advance (so to speak) at Friday morning's Lectionary Breakfast. We're still meeting at 8:00 in the function room of the Waco "Egg and I" restaurant (it's around the back).

Join us for an hour of food, fellowship, and thrashing about in the Bible. It's not holy ground, so keep your shoes on 😁

Enjoy the week!

A different version of this reflection appeared in September 2014 as "The Bricklayer."

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