Sunday, March 4, 2018

What If This Was Easy? (a Steve Orr Lent reflection)

Sometimes I get stuck.

From time to time, I find myself stumped, unable to resolve a problem. I may have spent several minutes (hours!) attempting to master a means to fix, correct, open, understand, etc. ... and then I recall my “magic” question. I’ve been amazed how just that one change of perspective can produce a happy outcome.

I use it to unjam the logs, to break the impasse of my thoughts. What I am really asking myself is this: am I over-complicating this? Am I subconsciously attempting some complicated approach when a simple one will do (and do better)? Have I gotten in my own way?

Am I making it harder than it needs to be?

Let me be clear: this is not a question about effort. Some things require effort to be done correctly, effectively, successfully ... sometimes, a lot of effort. And I’m not talking about those things in this life that are actually complicated. Rocket science is still well beyond the ken of most of us. But, among those matters with which most of us must deal in our daily lives, it’s been my experience that we tend to over-complicate them.

Often, to our own detriment.

This week’s Lectionary scriptures illustrate the point. The Ten Commandments are anything but complicated. Sure, if we want to, we can make them complicated ... but why do that? Simple commands, straight forward directives. Love and revere God, and no other “gods.” Don’t steal. Don’t murder. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t covet. Take a day off. Honor your parents. In fact, they are so uncomplicated, Jesus sums them up in just a few sentences at Matthew 22:35-40.

What if this was easy?

The Psalm passage continues the thought that God’s directives for our lives are not only straight forward and actually good for us, but are easily perceived in creation; so obvious that not even words are needed.

What if this was easy?

And the 1st Corinthians passage aims right for heart of the matter. When we rely on the “wisdom” of this world, we over-complicate the truth: God’s wisdom is so simple it appears foolish to people on the outside looking in.

We sometimes find that we are stuck, don’t we? Can’t seem to move forward, can’t seem to back out; can’t resolve that problem; can’t open that pickle jar. Or, maybe a lot more than stuck? Overwhelmed even? Sometimes life appears to be so difficult and so complicated, and no resolution in sight, we want to just throw up your hands and yell, “God, I can’t do this!”

Maybe we’re just asking the wrong question.


Third Sunday in Lent (March 4, 2018)

Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22


DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast is still meeting Friday mornings at the Waco “egg and I” restaurant. Look for us in the back. We start at 8:00, and then enjoy an hour of great food, fellowship, scripture, and prayer.

Couldn’t be easier.


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