Saturday, June 30, 2018

The So-Called Silver Rule (a Steve Orr Lectionary reflection)

There’s a story, a Talmudic story, about a rabbi who was challenged by a non-Jew. To be clear, this person was mocking the rabbi when he “pledged” to convert to Judaism if the rabbi could express the entire Torah while standing on one foot. You can see how mocking that is, right?

In response, the rabbi immediately stands on one foot, and says, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.”

This is sometimes called “The Silver Rule.” I think any follower of Jesus can recognize that this is quite similar to “The Golden Rule” (“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”) In fact, I think this so-called “Silver Rule” may better capture the true spirit of the more famous one.

It certainly helps us understand the actual meaning. As hard as it may be to believe, some people end up doing bad things to others in the name of “The Golden Rule.” So, working out some explanation is worthwhile.

People often sum up the Hippocratic Oath as “First, do no harm ....” In reality, it’s quite a bit longer and much more complex. But, that short piece gets the gist of it right. But, even more importantly, it captures the true full meaning for medical practitioners. Nothing in the longer version transcends the doing of no harm.

I write this comparison of “rules” and true meanings because there may be a need to do so with this week’s passage from 2 Corinthians. The Apostle Paul is in the middle of asking the members of the church at Corinth to supply funds for the relief of other Jesus followers (in other places) who have a financial need.

I have often heard portions of this passage (and others) used as a way to guilt people into giving money to a church or ministry. They often leave out the explanation Paul supplies: “I do not mean there should be relief for others and pressure on you.”

He goes on to say he only wants them to give “out of their abundance” to those others who are in need, rather than put themselves in poverty to help others. He further explains that he would expect a reciprocal arrangement should they ever find themselves in need and wanting other churches to send money to them.

Maybe it’s a subtle point, but I just keep encountering people who think they must impoverish themselves or they can’t be “real” Christians. I feel it needs to be underscored.

There’s a saying I once heard from a Texan: “If all you can do is all you can do, then all you can do is enough.” God loves us and, for the most part, only asks of us what we can do. If we are stretched, it is only because we are capable of it.

Here’s my version of all this: “In doing your good, do no harm, even to yourself.” I think that sums it up nicely.


Readings for the coming week
Proper 8 (13) (July 1, 2018)

2Samuel 1:1, 17-27
Psalm 130
Lamentations 3:22-33
Psalm 30
2Corinthians 8:7-15
Mark 5:21-43


Just a quick reminder that DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast meets Friday morning at 8:00 in the function room of the Waco “Egg and I” restaurant (entrance is down the outside and near the back of the building).

It’s a great hour of scripture, laughter, prayer, food, discussion, and fellowship.

Plenty of give and take.
