Thursday, April 14, 2022

Game Changer (a Steve Orr scripture reflection)

We could actually turn back time! All it took was one little phrase.

Do you remember the games we played as children? There were all those "magic" phrases that ruled our interactions, like “Ollie, ollie  income free!” and “Tag! You’re it!” Somehow, everyone just seemed to accept they had authority ("No do-overs!"). There was a time when yelling "No tag backs!" could ward off pulling double duty as "it" and when yelling "King's X!" could bring any game or activity to a complete halt.

We yelled "King's X" when something unanticipated arose, a game-changer if you will. It could be something as simple as a bee flying onto the field. Or, it could be something far more complex, such as realizing some of us were playing by different rules. We stopped whatever we were doing until everyone could agree that it was OK to continue the game; until the "norm" was restored or reset. By calling “King’s X,” we could roll back anything as if it had never happened.

When we were kids, we said a lot of things and in a lot of ways that had meaning to us. We had elaborate languages, games, and conducts that made perfect sense to us—then. As adults, we recall the power these had during our childhood, while also recognizing that few adult situations will bend to their authority.

It is this time of year, when we are focused on crucifixion and resurrection, that the phrase "King's X" always comes to my mind. I recall that verse in 1 Corinthians indicating the “rulers of this world” did not understand God’s plan for Jesus. That if they had, “they would not have crucified our glorious Lord."

I can't help but think those "rulers of this world" wished they could have called out “King's X!" when it finally began to sink in what all their evil machinations had actually produced. What they intended for evil, God intended for eternal good. Not only did they not see it coming, they made it happen!

So, no.  

Satan and those who implemented his plans weren’t able to cry "King's X!" They couldn’t turn back the clock and take a different approach to Jesus. As any child could tell them, once Jesus rose from the grave, there were "No do-overs!"

GRAPHIC: Steve Orr and Adobe CC Express

Cher singing If I Could Turn Back Time (with lyrics): 

Robert Frost using King’s X in an anti-nuclear poem:
Having invented a new Holocaust
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed
King's X -- no fair to use it anymore!
"U.S. 1946 King's X" 


If you're in Waco, join us Friday morning at Our Breakfast Place and on Zoom** for some good food and something even better. We will be there at 8:00 for about an hour of thought-provoking, idea storming, thrill-inducing moments.  

And absolutely full of hope.

Many Blessings!


**Contact me for the Zoom link

NOTE: Zoom allows you to mute the camera and microphone if you don’t wish to be seen or heard.


Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8
Resurrection of the lord
First Sunday of Easter (April 17, 2022)


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