Saturday, August 2, 2014

My Thin Place (a Lectionary reflection by Steve Orr)

Unexpected. That's the word. Everything about that morning was unexpected.

First, it was cool. That summer had been one of the hottest in recent memory; days on end of triple digit highs. So, by "cool" I mean it was a pleasant morning to take a stroll in a short-sleeved shirt. Also, I was early. Unexpected. Because of the timing for the commuter rail, I often needed to hurry from the station to my office. But not that morning. The sun had yet to crest the buildings, the tall sides of the downtown canyon. The morning was still dawning.

I was completely caught off guard by the birds.

Rounding a corner, i suddenly found myself serenaded. So, so unexpected. On my right was a small pocket park, and its trees were packed full of singing birds. Even though there was no melody, the collected sound of their birdsong was surprisingly harmonious. I stopped and just let it wash over me. For several long minutes, I was completely wrapped in those blended voices.

Many people, when asked to identify a place where they feel closer to God, will describe things like high mountains, majestic waterfalls, a peaceful stretch of ocean, or a moment of absolute silence in an ancient meeting place. But, these "thin places" are individual. Sure, people often erect edifices to mark those places. Jacob did that, twice; once, on the west side of the Jordan River where he had a vision of a stairway to heaven, and again, two decades later on the east side where he wrestled with an angel as he was returning to the land promised him by God. Jacob did not expect either of those encounters; they were arranged by God, on God's timetable.

Not many modern people claim to have encountered God, at least not like Jacob did; up close and personal. In modern times, we tend to describe it as "feeling closer" to God, or, as one friend suggested, "not as far from God as I usually am." However you want to describe it, that unexpected birdsong serenade was my thin place. I felt that God was there, in that moment, sharing a portion of His creation with me. I was moved to do something I rarely do; I wrote a poem.

Sun still coming;
Short-sleeve cool;
Birdsong peals;
Buildings ring.

I know there are many people who make sometimes long, arduous journey's so they can visit some "thinny," places where others have claimed an encounter with God. And I mean no disrespect for their choices when I state that, for me, I think there is great value in waiting for God to make the arrangements, for Him to chose the place of encounter . . . and the nature of the experience.

There is no stone to mark that spot of urban birdsong. Only the poem, and my memory of the experience, remain. It was transient, an unexpected moment in an unexpected place.


I hope you can join us at the Waco "Egg and I" restaurant Friday morning. We're in at 8:00 and out at 9:00. And, for that hour, we have our own little thin place in the "Egg and I" meeting room. We spend time in God's word and draw closer to Him.

Enjoy the week!


Proper 13 (18) (August 3, 2014)

Genesis 32:22-31
Psalm 17:1-7, 15
Isaiah 55:1-5
Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:13-21

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