Friday, July 23, 2021

The Dream Cabin (a Steve Orr scripture reflection)

In my dream, I was restoring an old cabin on the rocky coast of Maine. The cabin was small, just one room, and it was not in good shape. It was single wall construction, and, standing in the center of the room, I could see daylight sparking through in a few places. I had started nailing cladding on the inside so I could add some insulation between it and the outside wall. I planned to use a certain kind of natural wool as an insulator. 

It was chilly, but I was not surprised; I was cold most of the time we lived in New England, including some summer evenings. I sensed a need to hurry and, at least, get some of the insulating done. Night was coming and I expected the chill to deepen. So, I started in the corner nearest the ocean, hoping to block the most direct sea breeze before nightfall. Luckily, in my dream I had brought lots of supplies and tools. I went out to my truck (yes, my truck: it was a dream, after all) to haul in what I needed to do the job. 

I was so pleased with how it was going. I had planned well. I had the right tools to measure twice and cut once (as opposed to measure once, cuss twice). Once I got three or four board lengths nailed onto the studs, I paused to stuff in the wool. It was so beautiful and soft. I remember thinking I hoped there was some left over. What a nice mattress or pillow stuffing it would make! When I realized the light had almost faded, I stopped to survey my work. I had managed to get cladding affixed to the two walls about seven feet in each direction and two and a half feet high. They met in the corner, perfectly. The wool was pressed down as tightly as I could make it, and, at least in that corner, I could feel no chill sea breeze. 

I set up for the night in that corner, spreading my sleeping bag and mat along one wall, tucking my tools and other essentials along the other. I felt a great sense of satisfaction, as well as the calm that comes with knowing I had done all I could do that day, and I had done it well. I not only made a plan; I made the right plan. I hadn’t tried to do more than I could do with those circumstances and in the time available. I climbed into my sleeping bag, turned off the Coleman lantern, and closed my eyes, confident I was ready for the coming day,

I can’t exactly explain why I think my dream relates to this week’s selection from Psalm 145. I just know that it does. There’s something in that profound sense of, not just accomplishment, but of satisfaction at knowing I had done well, that my work was good. And, yes, my wood shop teacher would certainly have approved of my work. But, it went beyond the feeling that someone else would have approved of my work in that cabin. 

I knew. In myself I knew it was good. That kind of assurance has not been common in my life. And the peace that accompanied it seemed, to my dreaming self, to be integral to it, part and parcel with the whole. My work was complete and my rest had been earned. 

Somehow, all of it made me feel closer to God. And that is always a good thing.

PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Orr (Atlantic coast near Wells, Maine) 

In-Person Lectionary Breakfast THIS Friday! I hope to see you there. Zoom is also available for those who cannot attend in person. We start at 8:00, and we spend the hour reading scripture, discussing, laughing, and chowing down ... not necessarily in that order. 

So, join us on Zoom OR join us in person at the former Waco “Egg and I restaurant (now called “Our Breakfast Place”). We’ll be in the function room (down the side, near the back).

Contact me for the Zoom link

NOTE: Zoom allows you to mute the camera if you don’t wish to be seen and to mute the microphone if you don’t wish to speak.


Find them here:

2 Samuel 11:1-15
Psalm 14
2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalm 145:10-18
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21
Proper 12 (17) (July 25, 2021)

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