Friday, November 11, 2022

Be Prepared (Not?) (a Steve Orr scripture reflection)

Suddenly, we were freezing! 


Our little RV is a well-equipped pod of comforts. One of the best features is a series of three huge lithium batteries that store enough power to keep everything going when no other electricity is available. That should have given us confidence since we had planned to use the electric heat that night. And we were confident—right up until we came face-to-face with 20°F and heat-sucking 50 MPH winds. We had expected cold, but not that much cold. 


We cranked our electric heater up to full blast in hopes of solving the problem. We could feel the hot air pouring in through the vents. But the inside temp just kept falling. Even with extra layers, we were feeling quite chilly. Where was the heat going?! Were we losing heat through the doors? Did we have inadequate insulation? Should we have filled our propane tank? Every window and vent was suspect.That icy plunge brought an end to our camping least for that night. How was any of this possible? 


Hadn’t we properly prepared?


Interestingly, preparation is one of the themes in this week’s scriptures. Or should I say the lack of preparation? When you read them, you will note they all reference actions God will take (or allow), some that seem very positive and some that seem very negative. In one instance, Jesus tells of a time when believers will be persecuted. He explains that, while these are negative events, they provide the opportunity for believers to testify. Then He addresses preparation, instructing us to “make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance.”


It’s a strange instruction: Do not prepare. Once we think we know what’s coming, it’s usual to prepare. It’s kind of a main thing for us humans. In fact, we are puzzled by folks who don’t prepare, especially when what’s coming could impact them negatively. Yet, scripture is clear: God will do as God intends, regardless of our preparations. We can’t change what’s going to happen. We can only mitigate the impact. 

In the case of our camping trip, we had done all we could have done to prepare. It just turned out that the actual events were beyond the reach of our preparations. No, we didn’t freeze...but we were very, very cold.


What we did was get through it. 


If things like this can happen to us in our day-to-day living, it should be no stretch to believe larger, spiritual events are well beyond our preparations. So, should we just sit down, fold our hands, and wait to see what happens? No. That’s another thing covered in this week’s scriptures. We can’t just remain passive with respect to the events that impact our lives. Idleness is not the answer. Neither is giving up. We can’t just stop because we face what seem to be insurmountable odds. 


So, what are we, God’s people, to do? 

This week’s scriptures tell us: Live in imitation of believers who have gone before. Trust that God will provide what is needed, and ask for the wisdom to recognize that provision when it comes. Know that when we need to speak, God will provide the words we need. Go about our lives. Work and don’t be idle (i.e., “Do not be weary in doing what is right”).


There is something bigger going on here. No matter what comes our way, we cannot allow ourselves to freeze up. We must be prepared to act in obedience to God’s direction, to be active participants. 

Be prepared to serve.



PHOTO: Steve Orr


Friday mornings are pleasant breaks for those of us who attend DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast. We gather at 8:00 at Our Breakfast Place and on Zoom** for good food and a Bible feast. We learn from each other as we discuss the scriptures that will form the basis of the coming Sunday’s sermon. It’s like nothing else.


There’s no need to prepare. Just come as you are. 




**Contact me for the Zoom link

NOTE: Zoom allows you to mute the camera and the microphone if you don’t wish to be seen or heard.


Find them here:


Print them here:


Isaiah 65:17-25

Isaiah 12

Malachi 4:1-2a

Psalm 98

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Luke 21:5-19

Proper 28 (33) (November 13, 2022) 

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