Saturday, November 5, 2022

In Heaven With the Mob (a Steve Orr scripture reflection)

“I’m with you.” 

When you need to believe that, you want to believe that, no matter who is saying it. In the Steve Martin movie, My Blue Heaven, it’s a “mid-level” mafioso saying it to an FBI agent. Why would a criminal say that to a law enforcement officer? It probably shouldn’t even be coming up. Can the agent believe it? Should he believe it? 


If he were skeptical, would you blame him?


The FBI agent, Barney Coopersmith, is assigned to keep the mafioso, Vinnie Antonelli, out of trouble until he can testify against one of his Mafia bosses. It proves to be anything but simple. In the scene where Vinnie tells Barney, “I’m with you,” the audience knows Vinnie is trying to leverage himself out of having been caught committing credit card fraud—while in Witness Protection! Is he just manipulating Barney?


Perhaps. But for someone in his profession, Vinnie has some flaws. He makes and keeps friends. He likes to help people. He likes children. He is a romantic. He is loyal. 


He tells Barney, "Now when I say 'I'm with you,' I don't mean it like an expression, like I'm saying 'I understand what you mean.' I mean, I'm. With. You." 


And soon, we begin to think he really means it. Time and time again, Vinnie acts positively toward Barney: teaching him how to dance the méringue (yes, named after the dessert), how to woo the woman he loves—even how to dress for success. And, perhaps most important, how to relax and enjoy life.


Vinnie really was with Barney. He made himself part of Barney's life—all the parts of Barney's life—and Barney was the better for it. No, it was not a smooth process (and where would be the fun in that?). But, over the course of their time together, Vinnie became Barney's friend—a true friend. The very person any of us would want in our life, even if that person made us a bit uncomfortable from time to time—even if we couldn't control him or predict his behavior. 


The relationship would be worth it.  


In this week's selection from the Prophet Haggai, God says: "Take courage, all you people of the land, says the LORD; work, for I am with you…My spirit abides among you; do not fear."


God is not just present, and His declaration is not just "an expression." He is saying He will be with His people through everything that is coming, the good and the bad. He plans to "abide" with them, to come and to stay. Long before Jesus came to earth, God declared "Immanuel" to His people. 


God said to them and is saying to us: 


"I'm. With. You." 


PHOTO (plus, how real life mobster, Henry Hill, inspired “My Blue Heaven” and “Goodfellas”):


Join us at DaySpring’s Lectionary Breakfast on Friday morning. We meet at 8:00 at Our Breakfast Place and on Zoom.** We would love for you to join us. 


Sure, the food's tasty, but the real treat is getting to spend time with each other. See you there?




**Here’s the Zoom link:

NOTE: Zoom allows you to mute the camera and the microphone if you don’t wish to be seen or heard.


All Saints Day

Find them here:

Print them here:

Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18

Psalm 149

Ephesians 1:11-23

Luke 6:20-31

Proper 27 (32) (November 6, 2022)

Find them here:


Print them here:


Haggai 1:15b-2:9

Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 or Psalm 98

Job 19:23-27a

Psalm 17:1-9

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

Luke 20:27-38

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